A Lizard For The Brain

Every college has a resident who has an odd service animal, at mine there was allegedly someone with a hamster.

To be honest, I snickered when I first heard it. A hamster as a support animal, sure. Since then, my mental health has plummeted and I adopted a lizard. I have also changed my tune about service hamsters.

As stupid as it sounds, my lizard helps me through panic attacks and seriously shite days. She comes up and will lay on my chest and then snuggle up to my neck whenever I’m panicking or stressed. Her cute quirks aren’t the only thing that assist my health though, merely having a living being that relies on me for food and water and care helps me. When I have to get up and cut her salads, because yes she eats fresh salad everyday, I get the chance to also make myself coffee.

I write this because I asked for a pet of my own a lot growing up, and my parents said no with the best intentions. As an adult, I have to say that a pet would have helped me feel secure. There’s a ton of support for pets and mental health too. So yeah, get a pet.


Shaving My Head


My mental illness is not fucking cute