Meaningful Work and Mental Health

My life seems to follow a pattern where everything goes to shit at the same time, but also seems to get better all at once. The same week I began medication and therapy, I suddenly was offered my dream job doing something that betters the world.

I realized during quarantine that I needed to make a lot of change for my happiness. That started with changing my work environment—I made a list of requirements for my next position. I mainly had to be working with kind people and doing something that bettered the world, but I had other criteria.

I even turned down job offers at companies with less than stellar morals. I walked into one office and was met with Fox News blasting—not the environment for me. So I turned the role down and kept looking.


Honestly, I was terrified. I wasn’t making any money and didn’t know if another offer would come. Yet, here I am. Making way more money than I ever thought possible and happier than ever.

Positivity does seem to attract positivity. I trusted that something would manifest and it did.

Manifesting alone wasn’t enough though, instead I also had to learn to trust my gut and the process. I had to take interviews and really figure out how to find my right career path. I had to hold on to my high standards.

We often forget that we deserve better than whatever comes our way. I’m learning to be picky, and more people should also be picky. I refuse to just scrape by, and I hope I can help some of you also refuse that path.

Cheers to new beginnings. Cheers to new realities.


Imposter syndrome—the sneaky bitch


The Pivot into Shadow Work